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Studio London
10 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1R 0BQ
United Kingdom
T +44 20 7253 5147
F +44 20 7251 8322
We work at all scales and in all sectors. We create transformative cultural, corporate, residential and other spaces that work in synchronicity with their surroundings.
950 projects 44 countries 400 staff 55 nations
Welcome to the interactive archive of Zaha Hadid Architects.
Zaha Hadid Architects with AKT II and Hilson Moran have developed a digital architectural platform to create homes for Roatán...
Six projects by Zaha Hadid Architects/Zaha Hadid Design have been nominated for the Architizer A+ Awards: Beijing Daxing International Airport in the...
面试碰到不懂的问题怎么办? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-5-7 · 第一招——坦言相告,切勿乱编答案 我发现身边的朋友都存在一个误区,就是特别容易把面试当成考试,还是文科考试。 仔细想一想大家在高中作答文史哲等试卷时,是不是不管这个问题的答案,我知不知道,先写上字再说。
Organised by Christie’s, the ‘Art for Maggie's’ online auction opens today until 23 July 2023 with proceeds supporting Maggie’s Centres. The auction...
One Thousand Museum in Miami obtained its Certificate of Occupancy from the City of Miami Building Department this week, officially completing the...